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How to Measure Your Website’s Performance?

by Althea Kling
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Measuring as well as tracking your website’s performance is important as you can keep your eyes on what things need to improve or what things are performing well. Follow below to know how to measure the performance of your website.

Key Performance Indicators

1. Measure Your Audience

Audience measurement is a great way to judge the site performance. The number of daily visitors, unique visits, as well as the visitor session will determine the site performance and let you know how the site is doing. Best web design company Australia recommends to use Google Analytics and others tools for measuring these stats.

2. Analyze Traffic Sources

After the audience measurement, it is also of great importance to determine the source of your site traffic. It can be Google, social media, paid campaign, emails, PPC and any other source. You will be in a better position to assess the site performance and find out where you need to put more focus for better results.

3. Bounce Rate and Average Session Time

Bounce rate is what shows if the users are getting on the site what they expect. When a user visits the site and immediately leaves or bounces, it shows the site was not helpful for them. Higher bounce rate means poor performance of the website. Average session also helps determine site performance. The more time an average users spend on the site, the better it is.

4. Measure Conversion Rate

So far you have found out the number of daily visitors, unique visits, the source of your traffic, bounce rate, and average session time. What else you need to calculate is to see the conversion rate? It is the number of visitors that become your customers according to the best web design company Australia for ecommerce web development. Better conversion rate means the site was successful to convert more visitors into customers. It is a great factor to determine site performance.

5. Measure Profits

Lastly, you have to evaluate what you spent and what you achieved in return from the site. If the costs are more than earnings, the site has a low performance and is performing better in the otherwise case.

Tools to Measure Site Performance

1. Crazy Egg

Using tools for site performance measurement can be very helpful. This tool is one among the many which are very useful to determine the site performance. It shows stats regarding user visits, where the visitors click, where the engagement is less and what areas on the site appeal the users the most. Almost all of the best web design company Australia also recommends using Crazy Egg.

2. Usability Hub

It is another tool a lot of people use for assessing their site performance. This can be very helpful for you too. It is not free so you will have to buy the tool to start using it and track site performance.

3. WooRank

If you want to evaluate your SEO performance and success of the site, WooRank is the best option. It helps you find out how SEO is benefiting the site and where you can spend more resources and efforts to outdo its performance.

4. Page Analytics by Google

Every website gets this tool by default. Most of the users prefer this tool because it is free, very comprehensive and provides detailed insights into the website performance. Using Google Analytics is also easy and it shows weekly and daily records of the site performance.

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